Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Filofax arrived (insert heart palpitations here).

And after many days of buying washi tape and highlighters and pinning Filofax organisation ideas to my Pinterest boards my A5 Calipso in Deep Pink finally arrived. To be honest, I was expecting a pack of Frixion markers from Japan and some washi tape strips from China to arrive first, but, UPS, what can I say? Straight from America to Sydney in 13 days.

Today was the first day I have ever officially worked from home and I did so with not a skerrick of Adventure Time or Pinterest distraction. I was definitely ready for a break by the time school 'officially' ended and so I headed to the post box to buy an envelop and check for stationery arrivals. I was thrilled (and also a little bit sad that I didn't rush down earlier) when I picked up a box that could very well fit an A5 organiser inside! When I read the description, well, you can imagine my excitement. From one stationery fan to another, this is the pinnacle of my stationery purchases!

Purchasing Filofax products in Australia is more difficult than I anticipated and I found the Calipso to be extremely expensive, even on eBay. Eventually I decided on an American store 'Goldspot Luxury Gifts' (sounds a little bit like those dodgy gold buyers in the middle of shopping centres!). I have nothing but praise, however, as the product was packaged beautifully and came in perfect condition. You can find Goldspot Luxury Gifts here:

If you have ever purchased anything from America you will know how gosh, darn expensive the postage to Australia is. This, however, became a very good excuse to purchase a few other genuine Filofax items as the postage rate didn't change. I grabbed another zip lock envelope, more 'To Do' lists (because I am a list maker from way back), a pack of blank index tabs (in cream, whoo) and the assorted sticky notes insert. I almost wished I had purchased some more lined coloured paper inserts but if I actually NEED some of these later, eBay will suffice. 

Now I am waiting until Ash gets home, because officially, the Filofax is a Christmas present from him. I don't really think he will mind if I start using it right away (and it did come with 2013 calendar inserts) and as I told him, if I am more organised he inevitably will be too!